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Stirling Ultracold ULT freezers: NEW ARRIVAL

Three Stirling Ultracold ULT freezers

Medline Scientific is the new United Kingdom partner for Stirling Ultracold; we’re proud to bring their range of ULT freezers to our UK customers. Stirling Ultracold’s -80°C ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezers feature innovative technology allowing laboratories to benefit from significant energy savings and improved sustainability. The freezers operate between -20 and -86°C, but do not […]

Sustainable laboratory practices

Sustainable Laboratory Practices

Laboratories consume large quantities of energy; using 4-6 times (per m2) more than your average office.[1] This article highlights a number of sustainable laboratory practices, some of which, might be appropriate for your daily workflows. Energy-usage in laboratories The majority of labs will have several pieces of equipment running for long periods of time such […]

Helpful Tips: How to look after your laboratory fridges and freezers

Sustainable Laboratory Practices

Basic maintenance for refrigeration The majority of laboratories require at least one refrigerator and usually a freezer (or freezer compartment) as well. Whether your lab has one fridge, five -20°C freezers or thirty ULTs, they all require regular maintenance. Here, we’ve outlined some basic maintenance steps to help you look after your laboratory fridges and […]