New additions to our Sustainable Solutions portfolio

We’ve added three Julabo circulators to our Sustainable Solutions portfolio. Models CORIO CD-449F, DYNEO DD-449F, and MAGIO MS-449F (21 to 30 litre capacity) have been developed with energy efficiency in mind.
Energy Efficiency:
All three models incorporate a speed-controlled compressor which makes the 449F units more energy efficient than their predecessors. Once the desired temperature set point is reached, the circulators run in the partial load range; here, the speed-controlled compressor comes into its own by improving operating efficiency and reducing energy consumption. For some applications, users can save up to 50% in energy usage.*
Potential benefits:
- Lower energy use
- Reduce running costs
- Shorter pay-back period on investment
- Reduce environmental impact
Natural Refrigerants:
These three models also incorporate natural environmentally friendly refrigerant (R290) making them a more sustainable option compared with those using traditional refrigerants.
Potential benefits:
- Reduce environmental impact**
The 449F refrigerated circulators have a large bath volume, making them great for precise temperature control of larger samples or a variety of samples in the bath tank.
The CORIO CD-449F and DYNEO DD-449F circulators are suitable for internal and external applications with simple pump switch over. Whereas the MAGIO MS-449F is highly programmable and ideal for demanding external applications.
All units feature:
- Clear, bright display
- Bath lid and drain tap included in delivery
- Stainless steel bath tanks and parts being in contact with the medium
- Class III (FL) according to DIN 12876-1
- Refrigeration unit without side vents
- Removable ventilation grid
If you would like more information on these models, please visit our Sustainable Solutions page or the individual product pages. Alternatively, please contact us for further details:
01865 400321 |
Julabo Circulators with Natural Refrigerant
We also added the following Julabo refrigerated and heating circulators to our product portfolio; all three models use natural refrigerant (R290):
CORIO CD-310F 3 to 4 Litre Refrigerated and Heating Circulator
DYNEO DD-310F 3 to 4 Litre Refrigerated and Heating Circulator
MAGIO MS-310F 3 to 4 Litre Refrigerated and Heating Circulator

*Energy savings vary depending on the applications. During partial load range operation, the system is 25 – 50% more efficient than a conventional refrigerated circulator.
**Global Warming Potential for R290: 3