RBS A 285 Solid PF Powdered Alkaline Detergent, Phosphate-free, 4.5 KG



RBS A 285 Solid pF Detergent (4.5kg) is a non-foaming alkaline powdered detergent that can be used for cleaning and degreasing in labware washers in order to clean glassware and equipment made of stainless steel, plastic, porcelain, etc.


RBS A 285 Solid pF Detergent (4.5kg) is a non-foaming alkaline powdered detergent that can be used for cleaning and degreasing in labware washers in order to clean glassware and equipment made of stainless steel, plastic, porcelain, etc. It perfectly removes organic and mineral residues, greases, oils, chemical solutions, and distillation residues. This detergent does not contain phosphates that would interfere with certain types of analysis (e.g. water and phosphates) or that would pollute the environment.

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• Its composition makes it particularly efficient in difficult conditions even at low concentrations
• It perfectly removes organic and mineral residues, greases, oils, chemical solutions and distillation residues
• Efficient from 1g per litre of water according to the type of machine, the selected programme and the tenacity of the soiling to be removed. For optimal results, proceed with an acid pre-wash with RBS A 375 to eliminate alkaline residues and other mineral salts
• Can be used in the rinsing cycle to remove residual traces of the alkaline washing cycle


Size (Kg):  5

Usage Concentration:  1 to 3g per litre of water, depending to the type of machine and the tenacity of the soiling to be removed


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RBS A 285 Solid PF Powdered Alkaline Detergent, Phosphate-free, 4.5 KG